Photo by Tessa Macintosh - Tents on the lake

Dogrib Power Corporation

Dogrib Power Corporation

The Tłı̨chǫ established the first 100% Indigenous-owned hydroelectric development in Canada, with the development of Snare-Cascades Project. The agreement with the NWT Power Corporation was to construct, own and lease back for 65 years, a 4.3 MW hydroelectric facility on the Snare River. The financing will be paid off in full by 2024 and the revenue will continue until 2056.


Company news

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Quarterly Newsletter - Volume 4!

Continuing our commitment to increasing corporation-wide communications, we are pleased to announce the release of the fourth volume of our quarterly newsletter!

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Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation Accepts MAX Award for Economic Leadership at the 2024 Geosciences Conference

(Yellowknife - November 29, 2024.) Promoting Excellence in Mining and Exploration: last n

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In recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we remember the children, the residential school survivors and their families, and make a continuous commitment to acknowledge and learn from the experiences our Indigenous people have survived and continue to heal from. 

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CEO Paul Gruner featured on NNSL

Exciting news! Our CEO, Paul Gruner, was recently featured on NNSL, where he shared insights on the 10-year plan for Giant Mine and his positive outlook on its development.

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Announcing appointments of Board of Director Committee members.

Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation (TIC) is pleased to announce the appointments to Board of Director Committee Chairpersons and the Board’s Vice Chair and we look forward to building our future together:

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As an Indigenous business, the Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation and its group of companies would like to recognize and honour the history, traditions, languages, and cultures of the Indigenous peoples throughout the North and Canada.

Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day!

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TIC is pleased to announce the solar project funding is complete! Together with Solvest Inc., STLLR Gold, and CanNor, we will be purchasing and supplying the equipment for this two year solar installation project to power Colomac’s camp. Once complete, this collaborative partnership will have helped reduce diesel use by about 51 000 L annually and kept 138 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from entering the air!
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TIC CEO Talking Future Shaping with Indigenous Businesses at the Northwest Territories Legislature.

Yesterday’s meeting at the NWT Legislature to discuss the future of business included Paul Gruner from the Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation (TIC), Mark Lewis from Det’on Cho Management, Lei

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The Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation is pleased to announce that we have recently become a member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce! In addition to our membership, the corporation also holds a seat on the Chamber’s Critical Minerals Council.

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Quarterly Newsletter - Volume 1!

Moving forward we will be making a dedicated effort to increase our communications corporation-wide. To kick off this initiative, we are excited to release the first volume of our quarterly newsletter!

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Our team is at the Prospectors & Developers
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Long Service Awards 2023

Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation would like to take a moment to showcase and appreciate our long-standing employees across all TIC companies for reaching various long service milestones.

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Tlicho Investment Corporation’s CEO Paul Gruner is currently participating in the Indigenous Development Corporation panel discussion as part of the 2023 Geoscience Forum in Yellowknife NT.

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Representing Tlicho Adventures at this year's NWT Tourism Association's AGM and conference!

Photo of Paul Gruner
Paul Gruner Announced as TIC's new CEO

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Paul Gruner to the position of Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) for the Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation, beginning October 23, 2023.


Limited competition for Tłı̨chǫ Community and Yellowknife residents only.

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On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Paul Gruner to the position of Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) for the Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation, beginning October 23, 2023.

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Representatives from the Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation group were thankful to participate in the Wekweetì Tourism Workshop delivered by the GNWT’s Industry, Tourism & Investment Department April 17 and 18. 

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The Tlicho Investment Corporation is pleased to welcome you to visit us at this years PDAC conference in Toronto from March 5-8!

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Have a happy Halloween from everyone at TIC & Group of companies!

Halloween is so fun it’s scary! Follow these safety tips and you’ll be enjoying this treasured day with your loved ones without any mishaps.

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Come talk to us! Employment Café Job Fair

Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation will be sending members of our HR team to the Employment Café/Job Fair.


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Friendly Reminder:

TIC & Group of companies are currently hiring for various positions including:

-Winter Road Crew


-Oil Burner Mechanics

-Equipment Operators

and more!

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The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30th was created to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools, which more than 150,000 First Nations, Metis and Inuit children were forced to attend between the 1870s and 1997.

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The Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation (TIC) is searching for a skilled and professional Security Supervisor to join our team.

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The application Deadline for the Tłı̨chǫ Youth Mentorship & Summer Student Program has extended to June 24th, 2022!

Please share far and wide to reach as many Tłı̨chǫ youth as we can!

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The Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation (TIC) is searching for a highly skilled and professional recruiter to join our Human Resources team as Senior Recruitment Officer. 

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Dzę hoı̨zı̨ı̨̀! Good day!

As COVID-19 had other plans for us last Fall with being able to get our Tlicho Youth Mentorship Program off the ground, we are so excited to announce our re-vamped Tłı̨chǫ Youth Mentorship and Summer Student Work program!

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We are very happy to announce that the Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation & Group of Companies has been selected by the Yukon First Nation Chamber of Commerce as Top Indigenous Business of the Year for the Northwest Territory region.

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The deadline to apply for the Mentorship Program hosted by  Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation & Group of companies has been extended to September 17, 2021!


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the deadline to apply for the Mentorship Program hosted by  Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation & Group of companies has been extended to August 23, 2021!

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The Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation believes in supporting Tłı̨chǫ youth by sharing the knowledge and experience of our years of operation and business growth and development. We are offering a youth mentorship program to eligible Tłı̨chǫ youth aged 15 – 24.

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CEO Mark Brajer,MBA, P.Eng, ICD.D Recently did an interview with Business Elite Canada Magazine to discuss current projects on going within TIC & group of companies,

if you'd like to read the interview please visit the link below

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Are you seeking employment?
Do you enjoy working in a team environment?


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Reporting directly to the Chief Financial Officer, the Director of Finance is responsible for providing a range of accounting and financial analysis support to the Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation (TIC) and its subsidiaries.  The Director of Finance role oversees the accounts payable, accounts rece

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Just wishing everyone a happy and safe Valentine's day this Sunday from all of us at TIC! 

Don't fill up on too much chocolate.

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Here are some nice photos of the winter road to Whatì taken this morning by CEO Mark Brajer,

"Made the drive this morning on our beautifully constructed Winter Ice Road to Whatì!

It’s only -29C today. Arctic front arriving this weekend!

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Happy New Year!


Pumpkin from carving contest

We would like to wish you all a Happy Halloween from the Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation Staff!

to kick off the holiday event the TIC office staff face off in 3 competitions, and we'd like to ask for your help in voting for the winners. visit our facebook page to vote! 

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CEO Mark Brajer was part of a discussion in Aboriginal Business magazine alongside the CEO's of Det'on Cho Management LP & Denendeh Investments Inc. (Paul Gruner/Darrell Beaulieu)