Photo of ICD's 14th class

CEO Mark Brajer graduates ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program

CEO Mark Brajer graduates ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program

Congratulations to Mark Brajer for graduating the ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program (DEP) with the Rotman School of Management. 

Your commitment to improving TIC & Group of companies is truly inspirational. We look forward to following your accomplishments within the company and wish you the best of luck

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The ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program (DEP), jointly developed by the Institute of Corporate Directors and the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, is the leading national education program for experienced board directors in Canada. It is offered at Canada’s top business schools and was designed to build the competencies deemed necessary to be an effective director. Since the launch of the DEP, 6200 directors have completed the program, taking the first step towards acquiring the ICD.D designation.