Teamwork is essential! Here’s how our project managers and teams approach building the Tlicho Winter Road with a short construction season that makes all the timelines more urgent! Tlicho Engineering and Environmental Services (TEES) ensures all the necessary work is done safely, efficiently, and with environmental protections built in:
1. Route Selection and Planning:
o Routes are chosen based on traditional knowledge, environmental assessments, and logistical considerations to minimize risks and maximize accessibility.
2. Ice Profiling and Preparation:
o Advanced tools like GPR assess ice thickness and identify weak zones.
o Flooding techniques are used to thicken ice layers over lakes and rivers.
3. Snow Clearing and Compacting:
o Snow is cleared to allow ice to freeze more deeply. Snowplows and graders are used to level and compact the surface.
4. Signage and Safety Measures:
o Clear markers and signage are installed along the route to guide drivers and indicate hazards.
o Checkpoints and monitoring stations are established for regular inspections.
5. Ongoing Maintenance:
o Throughout the operational period, the roads are monitored for cracks, slush zones, and thinning ice. Repairs and reinforcements are carried out as needed.